Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Where are all the trees??

Blogged with Flock

Testing testing...

I'm test driving the new 'Flock" browser, to see how 'blog-friendly' it is.

I dragged this picture in from my Flickr account...

Here is the URL to the BONGO NATION Myspace homepage: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=111338150

BONGO NATION are Geordie Gardiner and Tom Ludvigson playing their ownroots reggae and dub inspired repertoire. The roots of the BONGO NATIONproject go back to early summer 2005 when Geordie and Tom were on tourin Northland with an Auckland reggae band. Inspired by that experience,Tom spent the rest of that summer tracing the roots of Jamaican dub toAfrican drum music while writing his own BONGO NATION riddims.As the collection of new riddims grew Tom created the BONGO NATIONwebsite and started posting recordings of the new riddims on the web.By early autumn Geordie had joined the project, the duo now jamming onthe BONGO NATION riddims and letting them grow into songs.Towards then end of winter there was enough new BONGO NATION songs torecord and produce an EP. Recording sessions were held in August 2006at Aucklands Rockynook Studios. The outcome of these sessions was thefour songs that make up the BONGO NATION EP Good Vibration.

(dragged straight off the web - now to publish to see if it worked...)

- now to publish to see if it worked...)

Blogged with Flock

Monday, October 23, 2006

Brave New World

Today Google rules a total database of hundreds of petabytes, swelled every 24 hours by terabytes of Gmails, MySpace pages, and dancing-doggy videos – a relentless march of daily deltas, each larger than the whole Web of a decade ago.

Wired 14.10: The Information Factories

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, October 18, 2006